We have a variety of opportunities for you to connect with our Shindler Drive family and begin building valuable relationships as you serve in the name of Christ. Take some time to look through the list of ways you can engage and become involved with other believers who have a desire to show the love of God inside and outside the church.
If you want to engage in any of these opportunities or have questions, please write to tamendolare@shindler.org and someone will get back to you.
Age-Group Ministries
- Preschool/Children Ministry: Transition Team – Mary Trotter & Tori Amendolare
- Discipling children from birth – 6th grade
- Student Ministry: Minister of Youth and Sports – Brandon Zortman
- Discipling students grades 7-12
- Young Adults Ministry: Ministry Leader – Logan Maloy
- Discipling single young adults 18-25
- Senior Adults: Ministry Leaders – Donna Rose and Debbie Lewis
- Discipling adults 50 years and older
Other Ministries
- Disaster Relief: Ministry Leader – David Middleton
- Respond through Southern Baptist Disaster Relief when called upon
- Feeding Ministry: Ministry Leader – Bonilyn Packham
- Distribute food to those in need through food pantry, including providing backpacks with weekend food for
children at Westview K-8
- Distribute food to those in need through food pantry, including providing backpacks with weekend food for
- Hospitality Ministry:
- Serve the social needs of the church, including churchwide
- Media Ministry:
- Run sound and video for worship and other events
- Men’s Ministry: Ministry Leader – Buddy Knight
- Provide for the spiritual growth of men through spiritual, social, and service events
- Missions: Missions Director – Donna Rose
- Take the Gospel to the nations through local and global missions endeavors, including Jacksonville, Poland, West Africa, Mexico, and beyond
- Seasonal Ministries:
- Trunk or Treat
- Operation Christmas Child: Ministry Leader – Ann White
- Sign Language: Ministry Leaders – Donna Rose and Debbie Lewis
- Provide ASL Sign Language interpretation for all services
- Small Groups: Ministry Leaders – Pastoral Staff
- Sunday and weekday opportunities for group Bible study, discipleship, and spiritual growth
- Upward Basketball and Cheerleading: Ministry Director – Brandon Zortman
- Welcome Team: Ministry Leader – Scott Dobbs
- Ushers
- 9:00 Service Ministry Leader – Joe McIntyre
- 10:30 Service Ministry Leader – Aaron Hoskins
- Security: Ministry Leader – Joe Carr
- Women’s Ministry: Ministry Leaders – Rebecca Reavis
- Provide for spiritual growth of women through spiritual, social, and service events
- Worship Ministry: Ministry Leader – Bruce Hutson (Interim)
- Gather twice a week for multigenerational worship, involving choir, orchestra, and band, to praise God and grow in Christ
- Yokefellows: Ministry Leader – Gordon Turner
- Provide minor home repairs for members in need